

英國女騎師費絲庫克(Faith Cook)上週末騎著坐騎「Nagor De La Roche」在英格蘭西約克郡參加一場國際馬術賽時,跨欄未成功,結果人仰馬翻,馬兒鼻子落地,所幸只受瘀傷,但費絲頸子和背部受傷而住院,可能要好久才能夠完全康復。(摘自英國每日郵報網站)

Dramatic fall at the last as horse and rider take tumble


This is the moment a horse and rider were caught in a frightening synchronised fall at an international horse trials.

Eventer Faith Cook suffered a back injury when her horse, Nagor de la Roche, fell at the final water jump at the Bramham International Horse Trials in Wetherby, West Yorkshire, at the weekend.

Miss Cook, who was competing in the under-25 section, was detained in Leeds General Infirmary.

A trials spokesman said it was too early to say whether she would make a full recovery.

The horse suffered severe bruising.(London Evening Standard)


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